Post about Gungnir

This post is found on Facebook, very little of it is true

The name of the spear is derived from the verb “ganga” or “göngu” which means to walk or advance”  And later on in the post is says:  The name Gungnir means “swaying one

If you go to Simik: Dictionary of norse mythology (p 124) you will get the last definition. Gungnir means The Swaying one

“Gungnir was created by the greatest dwarves, Dvalin and Durin for the god Odin

No. Gungnir was made by other dwarves named “Ivaldis sons”. We don’t know their names, but its proberly not Dvalin and Durin, because they are some of the Dwarves from Voluspa and could be one of the first generation of Dwarves. They were quite famous, so if it was them, the story would have given their names.

The spear is described as having a beautiful shaft that looks very smooth and well-made. The blade is inlaid with gold and glows in the dark (the spear possessed these properties even before it was given to Odin). It never misses its target and always returns to its owner after being thrown.”

Nothing is really true here. Its Thors Hammer that return to its owners hand when thrown. (Skáldskaparmál38)

“Odin’s spear Gungnir is one of the symbols of the god, and the origin of his name. Speculations about what could possibly be the material that this spear is made up has ranged from glass to gold. This question is likely to remain unanswered unless you are one of those lucky enough to meet Odin himself. It is implied however, that his spear can pierce through anything, and even has the power to bring down a star.”

No true.

Gungnir was one of the most important weapons in Norse mythology. It was a spear that Odin used to slay the god Sif and then gave it to his son Thor … The name Gungnir means “swaying one”, which refers to how Odin used it to kill Sif, who lived in Asgard with her husband Thor. Sif’s hair was so long that it covered all of Asgard, so Odin cut off her head with Gungnir and then gave it to Thor as a gift.”

There are no story where Odin kills Sif. Sifs hair was cut of by Loki. This is the reason why Loki went to The dwarves called The Sons of Ivaldi. They made a gold hair for Sif, a ship and Gungnir. Notice that story is completely different. (Skáldskaparmál 38)

 “Gungnir was said to be made from the spine of a mountain giant; it had been sharpened on the whetstone of Mjollnir (Thor’s Hammer).

That also BS. None of this is from any source bout Norse Mythology.

The gods believed that this made the spear especially powerful and gave it special abilities like being able to penetrate any armor or shield when thrown by an expert warrior like Odin or Thor.

Odin was said to have thrown Gungnir into the air at one point, where it remained for eight days before returning to him in his hand when he called for it again (the Norse believed that gods could throw their weapons into the air without them ever falling).”

Also not true.

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